
Making Weird and Wonderful Things Happen

I'm Rose (they/them), and my whole life I've loved making cool, weird stuff. I've done art of all kinds. You name it, I've probably tried it, may have taught classes on it, and likely still have a whole box of supplies for it.

About 20 years ago, I discovered digital and 3D art, and it opened up a whole new world of possibilities. And when 3D printing became accessible to individuals, my imagination was captivated.

Even though I've been doing 3D printing for over a decade, it still feels like magic to me! I can think of something that's never existed, and teach a computer to think about it too - and then the computer can make instructions to tell another machine to make that thing real, and after a little while, I can hold it in my hands! My childhood visions of science-fiction have become my reality, and I'm delighted to be able to work this strange techno-magic every day.

My fascination and passion for these incredible tools led me to start The Argent Rose, where I can share my creations with the world. My own interests are still a driving force behind what I do, with a focus on dice, cosplay accessories, and stuff for plants as those are all things that I adore. My inspiration comes from my own desire to see some cool idea become a real thing.

Everything I make, I design, print, finish, pack, and send myself. I am a one-person operation and I like it that way, as I can build a personal relationship with my customers, and they can know their purchases are going directly to supporting a working artist.

I'm committed to running The Argent Rose in as sustainable and ecologically-conscious way as possible. 95% of my shipping supplies are recycled; packages are in recycled boxes using local newspaper or old comics as packing material. Reuse it again if it's still good, rather than buying a new roll of bubble wrap, or put it in your own recycling. Etsy also carbon-offsets all shipments.

The Argent Rose is run out of my tiny home studio: a little brick building attached to the back of my house, in a lovely town in the Netherlands. I live together with my two children, our cats, fish, shrimp, worms, friendly house spiders, and many, many houseplants. In my free time, I draw, sew, knit, crochet, write, garden, play computer games, go to nerd conventions and botanical gardens, and talk to moss.

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